
 Kubernetes Introduction:

Kubernetes is the deployment orchestrator, which helps you to deploy an application as a container in the Kubernetes cluster. One of the applications deployed in the Kubernetes cluster will help you to provide features like autoscaling, load balancing, self-healing, and observability.


Container Image: It can be a collection of OS, softwares, application code, etc.

PODS: A collection of containers bundled as a single application runs in the Kubernetes cluster; 

Kubernetes Cluster Components: 

    Two crucial components in the Kubernetes cluster are

  1. Control Plane (It is one where you install your Kubernetes)
  2. Worker Node (These are all the servers attached to your control plane and serve the control plane instructions.

Control Plane Components:

  1. Cluster role
  2. API server - All traffic routes through API server; It is the frontend.
  3. Controller Manager
    1. Deployment controller
    2. StatefulSet controller
    3. ReplicaSet controller
  4. Scheduler (Ranks the worker nodes based on the health)
  5. Cloud Controller

Worker Node Components:

  1. Kubelet (agent)
  2. Container Runtime(example: to download docker image from docker hub)
  3. Kube Proxy (Load Balancing, Routing)