What is Pods?

    Pods is the deployed unit that runs in the Kubernetes cluster. The worker node holds the Pods in the Kubernetes cluster. In simple terms, pods are the running application and testable unit. A pod can be a single container or it can be a group of containers.

Characteristics of a POD:

  • Each pod in a Kubernetes cluster holds a unique IP address
  • A new IP will be generated for every new deployment of a POD
  • The pod life span is mortal, meaning that it will be destroyed when the pod gets terminated

How do Pods get created?, and where do they get created?

Let me explain with the real-time example with a sequence of steps.

  1. Developers develop and store the application code in the source control tools like GitHub.
  2. Maven/Gradle compiles the code and creates the binary as a war/ear package.
  3. Dockerfile helps you create an image. The Image is the layer of operating system and software that requires your application to run. Finally, an application binary gets created in step 2.
    1. Application image = Base image(OS + Software from DockerHub) + war/ear package
  4. Here comes your Kubernetes, which helps you deploy your Image in the Kubernetes cluster(in the worker node). This deployed application image in the Kubernetes cluster is called "THE POD."

Which components in the Kubernetes cluster are responsible for deploying the pods?

    The container runtime is responsible for downloading images from container registries like DockerHub, CRIO, etc. Then, it will deploy the Image in the worker node.